Does It Really Matter?

Michael DuVal


Description:APRIL 16, 2017It can be hard to believe. It can sound like nonsense. But if the resurrection of Jesus really did happen, it changes things—dramatically. Hope wins out over despair; right wins out over wrong; love wins out over evil!

Relationships Q&A

Bonny Dillon & Michael DuVal


Description:APRIL 9, 2017Pastor Michael and another pastoral counselor, Bonny Dillon, answer questions about relationships asked by the congregation.


Kristal Poff


Description:APRIL 2, 2017What’s the purpose of dating? Is it meant to be an answer to loneliness? Is it meant to be a trial run in sexual compatibility without the responsibility of a covenant relationship? Is it a space to deal with our personal junk before inviting that into marriage? Is it an opportunity to learn how to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ?


Michael DuVal


Description:MARCH 26, 2017Effective communication. It’s simply crucial for marriages, friendships, any relationship. Self-awareness and skill development are essential for shared meaning in communication to be achieved. What are some practical ways to actually make that a reality?


Bonny Dillon


Description:MARCH 19, 2017Parents. How should children relate to them? Should they be obeyed? Are there times when they should not be obeyed? And what about honoring parents? Is that expected if they’re not honorable people? Is it really possibly to love and respect parents based on who you are in Christ regardless of who they are?


Michael DuVal


Description:MARCH 12, 2017What difference would it make if you approached your work as a way that you worship? What difference would it make if you examined your own attitude and actions before pointing out faults in others? What are some steps Christ-followers might take to constructively resolve conflict with co-workers?

Friends, Part 2

Michael DuVal


Description:MARCH 5, 2017What are characteristics of Godly friends? They see potential in us and inspire us to be better. They encourage us and strengthen us in challenging times. They tell us the hard truth when we need to hear it.

Friends, Part 1

Michael DuVal


Description:Why are so many people relationally impoverished in our culture? Why is it so important in today’s world to wisely choose friends? Why do people find it challenging to intentionally create Christ-like community? What are some indicators of true friendship?

Confidence Over Self-Doubt

Michael DuVal


Description:Do you struggle with self-doubt? Do you struggle with insecurity and feelings of inadequacy? Do you put yourself down and limit yourself? God sees more potential in you than you see in yourself. You don’t have to be perfect, just faithful. If you embrace a God-confidence, your life can actually be changed.

Discipline Over Regret

Michael DuVal


Description:Do you struggle with doing what you know is right and not doing what you know is wrong? Do you struggle in making choices that are good and Godly, but instead make self-destructive choices again and again? Do you have regrets that just hang on and on in your life? What’s needed to change that?

Forgiveness Over Grudges

Jim Pace


Description:Is it really possible to forgive those who have mistreated you? How do you deal with the anger? What does it take to overcome the grudges? What’s love got to do with it?

Submission Over Control

Michael DuVal


Description:Do you struggle with being overly controlling? Has it gotten you into trouble? Is it having a damaging effect on your relationships? Do you need to learn that the only person you can control is you? How would submitting your will to the Lord’s will change things?

Purpose Over Popularity

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: STARTING OVERWhat is God’s purpose for your life? Are you willing to embrace God’s calling over your personal comfort? If you were to embrace God’s purpose for you, what difference would it really make?

Focus Over Frenzy

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: STARTING OVERIs your life going at way too fast a pace? Are you frazzled by all the demands on you? It seems like you’re constantly tired. There never seems to be enough time for all you have to do. What are some specific actions you might take to begin to change all that?


Michael DuVal


Description:NEW YEAR'S MESSAGEAre you apprehensive as you think about the future? Are you afraid about what lies ahead? God doesn’t want you to give in to your fear. God doesn’t intend that you always play it safe. God wants you to live a life of fearless faith!