
Michael DuVal


Description:Are you apprehensive as you think about the future? Are you afraid about what lies ahead? God doesn’t want you to give in to your fear. God doesn’t intend that you always play it safe. God wants you to live a life of fearless faith!


Michael DuVal


Description:Has Christmas lost a sense of the unexpected for you? It’s just become so familiar, so routine. Been there. Done that. Don’t miss out on the wonder and mystery of the life-altering, joyful news—the Savior of the world has come!


Michael DuVal


Description:Would you say that you’re truly at peace this Christmas? What do you think it will take for you to know peace with God, peace with yourself, and peace with others? What are some key things you need to do to experience Godly peace?


Michael DuVal


Description:What do you do in the dark times when you don’t know where to go or what to do next? What does it take for you to hold on to the hope that God is still at work even when you lose sight of it? What’s needed for you to get back on track after you’ve lost your way? Are you really ready to make whatever changes are needed to faithfully follow however the Lord leads?


Jim Pace


Description:God doesn’t look at things the way we do. God’s ways are different from ours. When life seems hopeless, there is hope, because we are loved, we are chosen.

Be Generous

Michael DuVal


Description:God’s nature is to love and to generously give, and that’s supposed to be our nature too. God wants us to live lives that are filled with excitement, adventure, vitality, fun—and that comes from a life that’s loving and giving.

Be Grateful

Michael DuVal


Description:Every day we choose whether or not we’re going to embrace an attitude of gratitude. It’s not something that’s forced upon us. What will it take for us to appreciate what we have instead of always wanting more and to learn that gratitude turns what we already have into enough?

Be Confident

Michael DuVal


Description:Do you find yourself regularly giving in to negative self-talk? Again and again you put yourself down. You struggle with insecurity. How can you cultivate a God-confidence that leads to Godly self-confidence?

Be Encouraging

Michael DuVal


Description:You look around at what’s going on, and you wonder “how did things get this way?” It seems like you’re dealing with conflict from every direction. You’re struggling with battles on the outside and fear on the inside. And you’re discouraged. But there’s good news—God encourages the discouraged!

Be at Peace

Jill Simmons


Description:There’s so much anxiety in people’s lives right now. It can be difficult to experience a sense of peace in the kind of world that we live in, can’t it? Is it really possible to know a deep inner peace in life even when everything around us seems to be falling apart?

Be Optimistic

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: JUST SAYIN'How can you be optimistic in our kind of world? How can you have a positive attitude with all the things that seem to be going wrong? Is that even possible? If so, what are the reasons?

Be Enthusiastic

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: JUST SAYIN'Enthusiasm. Do you have it? If not, why not? Enthusiasm is not the product of how you feel but grows out of the posture of your heart. Enthusiasm is the result of an intimate relationship with God. You don’t have to let your environment determine your enthusiasm; your enthusiasm can alter your environment.

Pace Yourself

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: HOW TO SUCCEED GOD'S WAYWhat’s needed to develop a God-honoring pace of life? What are the rhythms of life that are healthy for you? How can you know when to go fast and when to go slow?

Maximize Your Strengths

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: HOW TO SUCCEED GOD'S WAYWhat are you good at? What are you not so good at? How has God created you to make a difference in the world? How does God want to work uniquely in your life to accomplish God’s purposes by utilizing the talents and abilities God has given you?

Be the Real Deal

Mike Dullaghan


Description:SERIES: HOW TO SUCCEED GOD'S WAYWhat’s involved in a life that’s real? What do you need to be aware of? What do you need to guard against? What do you need to avoid? What actions do you need to take?

Overcome the Negative

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: HOW TO SUCCEED GO"S WAY Do you have negative people in your life? Are you aware of what their specific tactics are? How do you not let them get you down? How should you respond to them in a positive, God-honoring way?

Know What Matters

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: HOW TO SUCCEED GOD'S WAYEvery choice we make reveals what we value, and lasting success is built on values that last. So, what are the sources of our values, and does that make a difference? So often we give our primary commitment to secondary causes. As we make decisions for our lives, will we choose what’s easy or what’s best?

Break Me

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: HERE I AMWhy would anyone ever pray “God, break me”? What could possibly be the purpose? If Christ was broken for our sins, why would there any be any need for us to be broken too? What in our lives might need to be broken for us to be transformed more into the image of Jesus?

Use Me

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: HERE I AMWhen you sense God calling you to take some action, how do you respond? There are three options. I’m not doing it. Get someone else to do it. Use me. What’s it going to be?

Search Me

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: HERE I AMPraying that God will search our hearts is dangerous because we might have to come to grips with the ways our lives need to be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit if we are to be conformed to the image of Christ. Do we really want God to expose our anxieties—our fear and anger? Do we really want God to reveal our sins? Do we really want God to lead us? What will it take for us to trust God enough to be vulnerable and open ourselves to the power of holy love working in our lives to change us?

I'm Tempted to Give Up

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: WHEN LIFE SEEMS OUT OF CONTROLWhat do you do when you’re so down that you’re ready to throw in the towel? You’re so discouraged that you want to quit. You question why you should even keep trying. What are some Godly steps to deal with this kind of thing?

I Question If God Hears My Prayers

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: WHEN LIFE SEEMS OUT OF CONTROLDoes prayer really make any difference? How should I pray? How can I develop a meaningful way of praying?

I Waver Back and Forth

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: WHEN LIFE SEEMS OUT OF CONTROLHow often do we waver back and forth between putting God first in our lives and putting what we selfishly want first in our lives? How often do we fail to give God first priority? Though the false gods of our culture may promise happiness and personal security, they inevitably end up falling short. What will it take for us to commit our lives completely to God?

I Feel All Alone

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: WHEN LIFE SEEMS OUT OF CONTROLWhat do you do when you feel all alone? When you feel abandoned? Is it possible that God is using the time to prepare you for something new in the future? Is it possible God is calling you to leave where you are and go to where you are supposed to be? Even when things seem hopeless, do not to give in to despair.

Judgmental vs. Using Good Judgment

Sheron Smith


Description:Have you ever acted a certain way in order to gain attention or approval or admiration from others, but you didn’t really mean it? That’s being a hypocrite. Aren’t we all tempted to do this? To overcome it, Jesus calls us to examine our motives and attitudes.

Why Are We Here?

Michael DuVal


Description:What's my purpose? What's needed for my life to really change and to really make a difference? What will it take for me to learn that it's not about me?

Q & A

Michael DuVal


Description:Pastor Michael extemporaneously answers questions turned in just before the message begins in a time of Q & A (includes questions & answers from both services.)

It Just Doesn't Work for Me

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE?When things don’t happen the way you want in life, do you ever question God? Do you ever think the whole faith thing just doesn’t work for you? What might be some reasons for that? Do you even have a real choice in the matter?

I'm Too Discouraged

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE?Do you ever get discouraged? What are some reasons for that? What do you need to do to overcome it?

It's Not the Right Time

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE?Opposition isn’t necessarily a sign that something is not God’s will. Choose the right thing to do even if it’s the hard thing to do. Don’t put your comfort before God’s calling. Inactivity and inadequate concern for the things of God have their consequences.

Granting Forgiveness

Sheron Smith


Description:SERIES: MORE THAN A STORYIsn’t it true that we want to be forgiven, but we don’t always want to forgive others? As Christ’s followers, we are called to forgive others because we have been forgiven by Him. Don’t be misled. Just because you forgive someone who has harmed you doesn’t mean what they did is okay. You do not have to be a door mat.

Getting a Second Chance

Jill Simmons


Description:SERIES: MORE THAN A STORYTo live a life that’s pleasing to God, we must bear fruit that honors Him. We do not have the ability to produce Godly fruit apart from Christ. The fruit we bear is an outward sign of our inward relationship with Christ.

Facing Reality

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: MORE THAN A STORYWhen facing a crisis, how do you normally respond? Do you deny there’s a problem? Do you refuse to take personal responsibility for your part in it? Do you fail to develop a realistic, doable plan? Do you become passive or procrastinate? What do you think Jesus would say about that?

Conquering Complacency

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: MORE THAN A STORYHave you ever failed to act in a way that you know you should have? You just never got around to it. And you ended up feeling such regret, saying to yourself repeatedly “if only,” because you were foolish instead of wise.

Overcoming Superficiality

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: MORE THAN A STORYDo you ever feel like you’re failing to thrive emotionally, relationally, spiritually? Has your heart been hardened by disappointments? Do you struggle with shallow commitments? Does worrying almost choke the life out of you? What do need to weed out of your life for you to experience a life of fruitfulness and fulfillment?

Resisting Resentment

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: MORE THAN A STORYDo you ever struggle with a complaining spirit and negativity? Do you ever have a hard time dealing with resentment and envy? Are there times you have a judgmental spirit? What should you do?

Owning Up to Hypocrisy

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: MORE THAN A STORYAre you real or a phony? Are you genuine or a fraud? Is your word trustworthy or not? What is it in your life that needs transforming for you to develop a truly Godly character?

Loving the Holier-Than-Thou

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: MORE THAN A STORYWhen you try to do right all your life and get nothing to show for it, that’s just not fair, is it? Pointing out the wrongs others do isn’t self-righteous judgmentalism; it’s just what needs to be done so sinners will know the consequences of their actions, right? And refusing to have anything to do with sinners, that’s surely the proper thing to do. Who could argue with any of these things?

Loving the Rebellious Heart

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: MORE THAN A STORYWe can choose to live in the love of our Heavenly Father and embrace our identity as children of God, or we can choose to turn our backs on God and go our own way. The story of the prodigal son suggests seven reasons why a person might walk away from God. Can you relate to any of them?

Dare to Believe

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: DO YOU DARE?Rising from the dead? Isn’t that just fantasy? What benefits could there possibly be in daring to believe in the resurrection of Jesus?

Dare to Risk It All

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: DO YOU DAREAre you more risk averse or risk taking? If we refuse to take the risks of faith that God calls us to, we may find ourselves living in opposition to God’s will for our lives. What would it take for you to truly lead a life fully sold out to Christ?

Dare to Be Generous

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: DO YOU DARE?Giving. It’s love in action. We want to be loving, so why is it that so many people struggle with the whole giving thing? And what does the Bible say our giving or our not giving reveals about us?


Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES; ALL 4 LOVEGod’s love. Perfect love. It’s more than words; it decisively takes action. It willingly and selflessly sacrifices. It even loves whether or not the other person deserves it. There are risks when we choose to love, and there are risks when we choose not to love. Which will you choose?(streaming & downloadable)


Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: ALL 4 LOVELoving members of our families—it’s not always easy, is it? They’re imperfect. We’re imperfect. What’s needed to maintain the bond of love in families?(streaming & downloadable)


Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: ALL 4 LOVEFriendships don’t just automatically happen. They’re chosen. They withstand tough times. They require openness and honesty. They influence who we are and who we become. Deep within ourselves, we yearn for them, don’t we?(streaming & downloadable)


Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: ALL 4 LOVEIntimate love. Passionate love. Erotic love that’s a delighted pre-occupation with the Beloved. What does the Bible have to say about this kind of love?(streaming & downloadable)

What Would Jesus Say to Ronda Rousey?

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: WHAT WOULD JESUS SAY?Arrogance. Ambition. Anxiety. What might Jesus have to say about these—not to mention trash-talking and pornography? Hmm.(streaming & downloadable)

What Would Jesus Say to Darth Vader

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: WHAT WOULD JESUS SAY?Fear can lead us astray, if we let it. Anger can lead us to sin, but it doesn’t have to. No matter what the darkness in our lives, Christ wants to overcome.(streaming & downloadable)

What Would Jesus Say to Steph Curry?

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: WHAT WOULD JESUS SAY?You don’t have to let rejection define you. You don’t have to give up when hardships come. Maintaining Godly priorities and honoring and appreciating and loving your family reveals a life that’s genuinely committed to Christ.(streaming & downloadable)

What Would Jesus Say to Pope Francis?

Michael DuVal


Description:SERIES: WHAT WOULD JESUS SAY?Treating every person with respect. Embracing humility. Remembering the poor. Restraining violence. Caring for God’s creation. Working for justice. Serving sacrificially. These are God’s calling for all of our lives.(streaming & downloadable)