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Packages From Home

It can be hard on the mission field to make or find things like cocoa powder for chocolate chip cookies or the kids favorite Kraft Macaroni & Cheese dinner among other convenient items that we take for granted at our grocery store. We have asked our missionary families to compile a list of goodies and some of their favorite missed things from the states and are preparing a special package for them. Gloria will be leader and point of contact for this project.

The response from the field so far has been both humbling and exciting. This promises to be an encouragement to all of us far above what we could have imagined. We will all find it easy to add one or two of these items to our shopping lists without undue strain on any of us.

You will find sign up sheets in the fellowship hall with the requested items from our missionaries. We can ship these goodies out as soon as we have the list complete, however we are planning on mailing out these special packages on a quarterly basis. Thank you for the unity in purpose and desire to serve the Lord by encouraging those who are making great sacrifices for the sake of the gospel.

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