CROSSVIEW Alliance Church logo



FACE to FAITH is a street ministry serving the homeless in downtown Fayetteville. Our mission is to create intentional relationships with the forgotten, broken, addicted, and lost. Our goal is to create a Gospel City Rescue Mission in Fayetteville.

Every Friday night in downtown Fayetteville we have the opportunity to bless people who are in need with the FACE to FAITH ministries. We would love for you to come join us at 7:00 PM in the parking lot of American Eagle Inn (Click here for a map) to listen to the message, serve food, pass out donated clothes, and encourage people.

FACE to FAITH was established in 2006 by Joe and Chris Waters in conjection with Southview Baptist Church. It has grown into a multi-church, multi-denominational ministry. For more information or to reach Joe & Chris, check out the FACE to FAITH Facebook webpage.


PB & J Brigade

In addition to helping with the FACE to FAITH ministry, our church manages the bag meals for FACE to FAITH ministries the last Friday evening of the month. We meet at the church at 5:30 pm. Please email for information on what you can bring and how you can help!

You can also donate clothing and other useful items (hygiene products, blankets,etc.) in the bin under the stairs at the church.

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