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About Us

Bill Jewell, Pastor

One sure need is the grace of God for our sin. One sure promise is the grace that God offers through the death and resurrection of Jesus. At Crossview we hope that we can continue to remind each other of the mercy that God extends to us.

Laura and I met in college and were married in 1990. Immediately after we were married, we lived for a short time in France serving as student missionaries. After returning to the States, I started working in the construction field, which eventually brought us to Fayetteville. We began attending Crossview in 1993, and over the next ten years the elders of the church started encouraging me to pursue ordination. In 2003, shortly after the ordination process began, the church extended the call to become the pastor.

We have one son, Ross, who was born in 1994. He is very active in sports, and plays the guitar and sings. He is currently completing his final year of high school and is looking forward to attending college.

I received some training for the ministry (a B.A. from Southeastern FWB College in 1990 and a Master’s of Religion from Liberty Theological Seminary in 2012), but I am very aware that God alone can change people’s hearts. We have a penchant for running from the only One who can satisfy. Part of the role of the church (and the pastor) is for us each to remind the other that God reaches for broken people. Jesus died and rose for sinners, and He made them, and is making them, saints.

We hope that we can grow in the grace of the Lord together with you.

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